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Showing posts from August, 2020

Is There a Magical Rep Range for Hypertrophy?

You mustn't get stuck in a dogmatic routine following an arbitrary rep count simply because that's what you've always thought was best. Most people are somewhat familiar with the association between exercise reps ranges and their targeted effect on the body during resistance training .  The heaviest load one can lift at a given weight correlates with maximal strength , while anything one can do above 20 times or more clearly signifies muscular endurance .    read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

Is There a Magical Rep Range for Hypertrophy?

You mustn't get stuck in a dogmatic routine following an arbitrary rep count simply because that's what you've always thought was best. Most people are somewhat familiar with the association between exercise reps ranges and their targeted effect on the body during resistance training .  The heaviest load one can lift at a given weight correlates with maximal strength , while anything one can do above 20 times or more clearly signifies muscular endurance .    read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

The Two Ways to Fix Your Mobility

One of the truest things I have ever learned about the brain-body connection is- if you don't use it, you lose it. I get it. It hurts when you move, so you try to limit the amount you move so you don't suffer as much. It's a natural reaction. And it's one your brain is counting on. Let's chat about why your mind is banking on you doing that, and what's the sneaky bugger doing?   The first thing you can do to increase your mobility is to look at pain as a warning.   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

The Two Ways to Fix Your Mobility

One of the truest things I have ever learned about the brain-body connection is- if you don't use it, you lose it. I get it. It hurts when you move, so you try to limit the amount you move so you don't suffer as much. It's a natural reaction. And it's one your brain is counting on. Let's chat about why your mind is banking on you doing that, and what's the sneaky bugger doing?   The first thing you can do to increase your mobility is to look at pain as a warning.   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

Adapt Workout Goals to Chronic Pain and Injury

While injury and pain can appear to keep us from our goals, when it comes to movement, there are always options. There's no way around it: chronic pain, whether due to an illness, persistent injury, or an acute incident, sucks.   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

Adapt Workout Goals to Chronic Pain and Injury

While injury and pain can appear to keep us from our goals, when it comes to movement, there are always options. There's no way around it: chronic pain, whether due to an illness, persistent injury, or an acute incident, sucks.   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

When the Fittest Among Us Get Covid-19

Amanda Thebe, a force of nature in women's health and coaching, as well as a serious fitness enthusiast in her own right, talks about her long-term symptoms from Covid-19.   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

When the Fittest Among Us Get Covid-19

Amanda Thebe, a force of nature in women's health and coaching, as well as a serious fitness enthusiast in her own right, talks about her long-term symptoms from Covid-19.   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

Better Health With 3 Mobility Routines for Impingement Problems

Look, everyone wants to do the fun stuff, but you need to pay attention to the pitfalls of ignoring how your body is supposed to move because it will bite you in the ass. The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body , so it's not surprising that it's one of the most commonly jacked-up joints as well. Nearly everyone I have worked with has messed up their shoulder at one time or another (including me ). It's easy to do once you know how, thankfully, it's also relatively easy to fix.   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

Better Should Health with 3 Mobility Routines for Impingement Problems

Look, everyone wants to do the fun stuff, but you need to pay attention to the pitfalls of ignoring how your body is supposed to move because it will bite you in the ass. The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body , so it's not surprising that it's one of the most commonly jacked-up joints as well.  Nearly everyone I have worked with has messed up their shoulder at one time or another (including me ). It's easy to do once you know how, thankfully, it's also relatively easy to fix.    read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

Will Your Sport Survive the Pandemic?

Keep active and take this opportunity to rest and recover, take up a new hobby, and let your passion re-ignite. When I have asked this question of others, the typical response that I receive is always a resounding yes with little thought to a bigger picture. Their passion for the sport drives their response. They would never look at anything else to feed their need to train and compete .    read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

Will Your Sport Survive the Pandemic?

Keep active and take this opportunity to rest and recover, take up a new hobby, and let your passion re-ignite. When I have asked this question of others, the typical response that I receive is always a resounding yes with little thought to a bigger picture. Their passion for the sport drives their response. They would never look at anything else to feed their need to train and compete .    read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

Get Lean, Get Strong, Get Results

Mario Tomic's passion for training has taken him on a journey from being a computer programmer to YouTuber, to coach, to an entrepreneur who lives the digital nomad lifestyle.   Mario Tomic has a successfully leveraged his natural curiosity and discipline into a successful career as a coach to entrepreneurs and everymen to help get fit and master their development. In today's episode, we discuss the key habits he has developed to allow him to transition through his career so smoothly.   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

Get Lean, Get Strong, Get Results

Mario Tomic's passion for training has taken him on a journey from being a computer programmer to YouTuber, to coach, to an entrepreneur who lives the digital nomad lifestyle.   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

Spiderman Push-Ups: One Bodyweight Exercise to Rule Them All

Being able to drop to the ground and do a full body workout isn't that complicated, but that doesn't make it any easier.   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

Spiderman Push-Ups: One Bodyweight Exercise to Rule Them All

Being able to drop to the ground and do a full body workout isn't that complicated, but that doesn't make it any easier.   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

A Biomechanical Comparison of Kettlebell Snatch Styles

The classic and modern kettlebell styles have a marked difference in their trajectory, which may affect the ground reaction force and the weight shift. What lessons can we learn from world champions in a biomechanical comparison of different kettlebell snatch styles?   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

A Biomechanical Comparison of Kettlebell Snatch Styles

The classic and modern kettlebell styles have a marked difference in their trajectory, which may affect the ground reaction force and the weight shift. What lessons can we learn from world champions in a biomechanical comparison of different kettlebell snatch styles?   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

The Pros and Cons of Training to Failure

Paul Carter of Lift Run Bang has some strong thoughts about going over the top in your training, and not in a good way.   Paul Carter of Lift Run Bang specializes in hypertrophy and body re composition. He coaches pro bodybuilders and elite strength athletes and works with some of the most respected minds in a strength and physique world.   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

The Pros and Cons of Training to Failure

Paul Carter of Lift Run Bang has some strong thoughts about going over the top in your training, and not in a good way.   Paul Carter of  Lift Run Bang  specializes in hypertrophy and body re composition. He coaches pro bodybuilders and elite strength athletes and works with some of the most respected minds in a strength and physique world. read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT