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Showing posts from April, 2020

Overcome Your Lack of Motivation the Right Way

You're watching everyone else cracking on and you feel a bit crappy in comparison. Tomorrow, tomorrow you’ll do it. It’s the old familiar story. You know you should do the thing—eating real food, getting to the gym, mobility work, and yet you fall back into old habits, giving it a miss. Again. You tell yourself you just need to become more motivated, more driven . You watch everyone else cracking on and you feel a bit crappy in comparison. Tomorrow; tomorrow you’ll do it.   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

Overcome Your Lack of Motivation the Right Way

You're watching everyone else cracking on and you feel a bit crappy in comparison. Tomorrow, tomorrow you’ll do it. It’s the old familiar story. You know you should do the thing—eating real food, getting to the gym, mobility work, and yet you fall back into old habits, giving it a miss. Again. You tell yourself you just need to become more motivated, more driven . You watch everyone else cracking on and you feel a bit crappy in comparison. Tomorrow; tomorrow you’ll do it.   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

10 Tips to Restarting Fitness After Childbirth

The most important thing is to wait until your body is healed. No two women are alike, from their bodies to their deliveries to their recovery and subsequently the healing process . And while each person may differ, when woman feels ready to start exercising again after childbirth , the main rules will remain the same.   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

10 Tips to Restarting Fitness After Childbirth

The most important thing is to wait until your body is healed. No two women are alike, from their bodies to their deliveries to their recovery and subsequently the healing process . And while each person may differ, when woman feels ready to start exercising again after childbirth , the main rules will remain the same.   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

5 Reasons Why High-Rep Bodyweight Workouts Are Hurting You

Renowned fitness coach James Fitzgerald warns how this is doing more damage than good.   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

5 Reasons Why High-Rep Bodyweight Workouts Are Hurting You

Renowned fitness coach James Fitzgerald warns how this is doing more damage than good.   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

Don’t be an AskHole

Are you constantly asking for advice from anyone and everyone on the Internet until you find what fits your biases? Do you ask “strangers” on the internet about your training? Do you post videos and solicit technique advice? I bet you are even the type to follow the sheep with the ideals that suit you best. The comments that allow you to slack off or the path of least resistance. Congratulations you are an askhole!   Best defined as someone that constantly asks for advice yet always does the complete opposite of what you were told to do. In this case, you asked a large demographic of people and chose the easiest way.   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

Don’t be an AskHole

Are you constantly asking for advice from anyone and everyone on the Internet until you find what fits your biases? Do you ask “strangers” on the internet about your training? Do you post videos and solicit technique advice? I bet you are even the type to follow the sheep with the ideals that suit you best. The comments that allow you to slack off or the path of least resistance. Congratulations you are an askhole!   Best defined as someone that constantly asks for advice yet always does the complete opposite of what you were told to do. In this case, you asked a large demographic of people and chose the easiest way.   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

Training During COVID-19: The Quarantine Machine

Let's dramatically increase exercise options to avoid things getting too monotonous. While we all try to figure out how to navigate these trying times of lockdowns and social distancing, we seem to have this weird mix of lots of time to train but a lack of options with which to utilize.   The challenges of training from home (minimal equipment and space being the main ones) have made it really difficult to create strength training options that can at least preserve, or possibly continue to develop, the levels of force production and neural drive necessary for athletes.   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

Training During COVID-19: The Quarantine Machine

Let's dramatically increase exercise options to avoid things getting too monotonous. While we all try to figure out how to navigate these trying times of lockdowns and social distancing, we seem to have this weird mix of lots of time to train but a lack of options with which to utilize. The challenges of training from home (minimal equipment and space being the main ones) have made it really difficult to create strength training options that can at least preserve, or possibly continue to develop, the levels of force production and neural drive necessary for athletes. read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

Lockdown Is Temporary, Community Is Forever

Breaking our patterns can become the necessary driver that we need for our lives, even during a pandemic. As I sit here writing in this cold, empty bathtub, listening to my thoughts echo off the smooth white porcelain cocoon I have built, I am reminded of warm memories from my childhood home. It was a place where my only responsibilities were to create mud holes, burn anything I could find with a magnifying glass, and take care of my butterfly who couldn’t fly.   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

Lockdown Is Temporary, Community Is Forever

Breaking our patterns can become the necessary driver that we need for our lives, even during a pandemic. As I sit here writing in this cold, empty bathtub, listening to my thoughts echo off the smooth white porcelain cocoon I have built, I am reminded of warm memories from my childhood home. It was a place where my only responsibilities were to create mud holes, burn anything I could find with a magnifying glass, and take care of my butterfly who couldn’t fly.   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

Hanging On: An Independent Trainer’s COVID-19 Response

Fitness pros, like many people with no safety net in their businesses, are feeling the severe economic effects of coronavirus. I am writing this piece in response to the MindBody article  in the coaches-only newsletter . read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

Hanging On: An Independent Trainer’s COVID-19 Response

Fitness pros, like many people with no safety net in their businesses, are feeling the severe economic effects of coronavirus. I am writing this piece in response to the MindBody article  in the coaches-only newsletter . read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

DIY Beast Mode Gear: How to Build Your Own Barbell

I am living in Japan where heavy lifters are rare and gym equipment is very expensive. So I decided to build my own barbell from scratch. Here's how I did it, so you can do it too. There have been plenty of challenges living for the past six years as an American in Japan. First of all, finding shoes my size is a challenge at best and damn near impossible at worst. Finding t-shirts that don’t choke me while not simultaneously being covered in non-sensical (or at least grammatically incorrect) English is another. And let’s not even get into trying to find a decent steak.   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

DIY Beast Mode Gear: How to Build Your Own Barbell

I am living in Japan where heavy lifters are rare and gym equipment is very expensive. So I decided to build my own barbell from scratch. Here's how I did it, so you can do it too. There have been plenty of challenges living for the past six years as an American in Japan. First of all, finding shoes my size is a challenge at best and damn near impossible at worst. Finding t-shirts that don’t choke me while not simultaneously being covered in non-sensical (or at least grammatically incorrect) English is another. And let’s not even get into trying to find a decent steak.   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

8-Week Workout Plan for Push Up Strength and Power

The push up may have fallen off the radar for most strength programs, but it's still is a powerful addition to any fitness plan. How many push ups can you do? 20 or 30? 50? More? Maybe you’re one of the unlucky souls who can only manage five reps with questionable form. Say the word “exercise,” and the push up inevitably will be thought of as the movement of choice. For decades and possibly centuries, men have pointed to the push up as a true test of strength, not to mention machismo. How much simpler can it get than to just drop to the ground and start pumping away?   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

2020: The Year Push-Ups Were First Invented

If your coach and trainer had never made you do a push-up ever before, you're probably beginning to think like it was only just invented. Great coaches and trainers don't steal. They just take something that was already there and name it after themselves. Yoga too pagan-y for you then, how about mobility? Circuit training too YMCA-y for you then how about CrossFit? Dancing too dance-y for you then how about Zumba? CrossFit too CrossFit-y for you then how about F45? We could go on forever because it does go on forever.   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

2020: The Year Push-Ups Were First Invented

If your coach and trainer had never made you do a push-up ever before, you're probably beginning to think like it was only just invented. Great coaches and trainers don't steal. They just take something that was already there and name it after themselves. Yoga too pagan-y for you then, how about mobility? Circuit training too YMCA-y for you then how about CrossFit? Dancing too dance-y for you then how about Zumba? CrossFit too CrossFit-y for you then how about F45? We could go on forever because it does go on forever.   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT

8-Week Workout Plan for Push Up Strength and Power

The push up may have fallen off the radar for most strength programs, but it's still is a powerful addition to any fitness plan. How many push ups can you do? 20 or 30? 50? More? Maybe you’re one of the unlucky souls who can only manage five reps with questionable form. Say the word “exercise,” and the push up inevitably will be thought of as the movement of choice. For decades and possibly centuries, men have pointed to the push up as a true test of strength, not to mention machismo. How much simpler can it get than to just drop to the ground and start pumping away?   read more from Breaking Muscle via IFTTT